of Toledo

Additional designs below, click on a thumbnail to see full size or use the next/forward buttons to browse.



#5 your door before



Simple Before....

Design for Lake house

Your door before

And after door transformation, the new look with leaded glass insert

Your door before

And after door transformation, the new look with leaded glass insert

Transom with bevels

contemporary, door

#3 before

#3 after door transformation with leaded glass inserts

#4 before

#4 after door transformation with leaded glass door insert. BEAUTIFUL!!

#5 your door before

#5 after with new sidelights

#6 entrydoor before makeover

#6 door after transformation with new door inserts

#7 before

#7 after door transformation with stained glass door insert, Now look at the difference
Toledo OH USA419-250-1067